For Providers

We are here to support and empower the full range of healthcare and lactation providers in Maine to have the resources necessary to champion breastfeeding for all families.

Below you will find: academic position papers, educational and training resources, and forums for providers. We also encourage you to attend our MSBC meetings and webinars to learn about topics related to infant feeding, and a chance to connect with other providers around the state.

Join Us



Join us for our monthly MSBC meetings! Every month we have either host an Educational Webinar (on topics like Breastfeeding, Human Milk and the Microbiome, Birth and Breastfeeding, etc.) or we meet to “Connect the Dots” where participants share what is going on in their professional worlds, ask each other questions, and share new information of interest.


Quick Resources for Providers


National Organization Recs & Resources


Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine

You can become a member for free with access to 35 protocols to facilitate best practices in Breastfeeding Medicine. Topics range from evaluating persistent breast pain to substance use in breastfeeding. These protocols are a must read and are indispensable resources. 

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

American Academy of Family Practice

American Academy of Pediatrics

Healthy Children (AAP Parent Education)

American Academy of Obstetricians & Gynecologists

Educational & Training


Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine

You can become a member for free with access to 35 protocols to facilitate best practices in Breastfeeding Medicine. Topics range from evaluating persistent breast pain to substance use in breastfeeding. These protocols are a must read and are indispensable resources.

Institute for Advancement of Breastfeeding & Lactation Education

This organization has clinical courses geared toward medical providers, video resources to be shared with parents, and an active listserv to answer urgent questions regarding specific patient care.  Many of their courses count towards professional lactation certification.

Lactation Education Resources

These courses are geared toward medical providers to become Certified Lactation Counselors (CLC) and International Board Certified Lactation Counselors (IBCLC).

International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners

This organization provides the highest level of lactation certification possible.

COVID-19 & Breastfeeding


COVID-19 Vaccines While Pregnant or Breastfeeding (CDC)

Breastfeeding and Caring for Newborns if You Have COVID-19 (CDC)

Our February ‘22 MSBC Coalition meeting topic was on COVID-19 and Breastfeeding. Watch the video.